Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Kiwi way of camping!

In the last few weeks I have, besides hours infront of the computer, looking for a new placement and ringing up people for possible work options, had some great new experiences which I shared with a very special person ;-)

One weekend, we decided to take his truck 4 wheel drive and go camping. Now, camping sounds boring compared to what we did, hehe... we took a matress and placed it on his truck in a kind of frame which held it up. The picutre is probably self explanatory. First we had a look around a camp ground but non of the spots were what we expected. So, after a fun drive around the bush, we found a great spot... not the usual place, but just great! The picture will show enough. We were by the water, set up a little fire and enjoyed marshmellows on the stick, overcooked patatoes and the other nick nacks we brougth along. The funniest thing that happened was that we had bought a can of chilli beans. Since we werent equipped with pots and pans we just put the whole can in the fire...great idea we thought proudly ;-) Not for long... after a couple of minutes the whole can of beans exploded with a loud bang, firing all beans around !! Luckily we were not sitting directly by the fire when it happened! Could have ended not so funny! But we had a blast! The next morning we went for a walk along the beach, climbing up rocks. And then for breakfast we took a quick hike up the mountain and enjoyed the view over the whole Kapiti region! WOW!!

After a relaxing day at home, we then set off again to our next camping destination! This time change of perspective. We drove into a forest where Glen first showed me some exiting 4 wheel driving. The we found our spot. A little opening in the forest, Pine trees surrounding the spot. Beautiful, I can tell you! The next morning, we decided to go for another 4 wheel driving up the forest... haha... didnt go as well as expected! We had to go around a quite tight corner and the truck got stuck! Have a good look at the picture... we were stuck big time!! A first couple of attempts of us trying with a rope, made us realise that we needed better equipment... so, off we went for a walk out the forest to get cell phone reception and call for help... on the way a couple of people passed, tried to help us, didnt know how or didnt have the equipment... so, off we went again for a walk out the forest, back and forth... until after a couple of hours later, trying to pull the truck, lift it with branches that Geln chopped before, etc. we finally decided to call for help with the right tools. About 40 minutes after calling one of Glens friends, we were equipped with a hitcher, metal rope... and off we pulled the truck! I would say that Glen and I both stayed very calm the entire time, confidence in a happy ending... but once the truck was ready to go again, we couldnt wait to get out. In the end, we realised that the 4 wheel drive had broke and that was the reason for us getting stuck! Oh well... we got out, no one was hurt and after 5 hours waiting in the forest trying different ways of saving the truck,... we were out there, relieved and smilling!

That night we decided to just be boring but safe and stay at home ;-)

The truck was stuck right on the corner. Believe me, I was glad to be out the car!

First attempts to pull the truck out...

Can you find Glens head somewhere up there? Cary Kiwi boys... he was right at the top...
Climbing the rocks the next morning!
Our different kind of tent ;-)
Camp fire under the bridge... marshmellows and the can off beans still to come ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kleene,
freu mich so für dich!!!
Aber kannst mir glauben: wir denken so oft an dich hier in Deutschland und wenn wir dich dann jedes Mal anrufen würden... Oje, das wär teuer;-) wünsch dir weiterhin viel Spaß und ganz viele weitere tolle Abenteuer!!! Bestell Glen viele Grüße!!! Mag ihn ja jetzt schon, obwohl ich ihn nicht kenne:-)

An deine Eltern: tut mir leid, dass ich den ersten comment jetzt für mich genutzt habe. Wird nicht wieder vorkommen:-)

Pass gut auf dich auf!!! HDL:-*