Friday, March 16, 2007

Hey everybody,
just to quickly let you know...the last 3months of my travels I am spending on a horse ranch in the middle of nowhere of Argentina, near Corrientes.
The first impresion: hard work, not only the nice stuff...but still GREAT! And I am just learning so much.

I am looking after mares, doing easy treatments and today I , for the first time, actually whispered with horses. And believe it or not, I WORKS!!!

Even though you dont wisper;-)

More later,
take care,
greets from the pampa,
Love Lisa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallo Lisbet auf der Flüster-Ranch, ich höre gerade "Wild Horses" von den Stones. Die Noten schicke ich summend über den Atlantik und noch einen Argen-Tina Gruß hinterher!