Saturday, June 16, 2007

This was only the beginning...

Hey everyone,
so here I am on my last day in Argentina, looking back on all the incredible experiences I had. I really can`t believe that my 9 months of travelling are already over. It seems to have passed within a blink of an eye. But I can say for sure that all the people I met, the nature I discovered and the cultures I learned about were touching. I have experienced so much about myself and about my life and life in general.

The first step was to decide to actually interupt my studies, and the second step was to actually bord the plane and leave. At first it appeared scary; on my own for 9 months travelling through countries where I at first didnt even spoke the language. But at the same time I knew that it was the right decission and that I would bring me what I was looking for.

I named my blog "La viajera buscando"- The searching traveler. When I left I didnt know what I was searching for, but now my feeling tells me that I found it. Now I know what I want to do with my life. Now I can say with confidence that I am looking forward to the unknown!

Before I wanted to have clarity of what I want to achieve in life. I wanted to have a certain aim to work towards to. Now I know look at it from a different angle. Life is a big adventure that I´m looking forward to encounter.

I have decided to finish my studies in Breda. But after those two years of studying, I don´t know what will follow. And I like the idea of not knowing what there is to come. This makes it even more exciting; scary at the same time but if you take it as a challenge I´m sure it can be a lot of fun!

The world is a big playground- go and look for the thrill, go beyond your own borders and experience the excitments of life!!!

Sometimes you have to jump, leave things in your life behind to go on with your personal journey!
I did so and with no doubts I am glad to have done that. Now I am filled with new ideas and new perspectives that will help me to live my life to the fullest!

Wow, this is an intense paragraph about my travels but since it means so much to me I want to share these thoughts with you.
And to anyone who is thinking about travelling to experience more in life- Go!!
And as Nike sais it so simply: JUST DO IT!

Tonight I will start my travels back home. It is hard to say good bye to everyone here. The people I started working with on the ranch turned into being special friends!
Thanks guys for making my stay so much worth!

But at the same time I am excited about seeing all my family and friends again. It has been a long time. And happily I can say: Its time to go home!!!
I am looking forward to going home! Being with all my friends and gives me butterflies in my tummy seeing all of you again ;-)
And the best thing is... there is a big party waiting for me. My Moms birthday party with the costum motto "What a wonderfull world" What a perfect timing!!!

So, here are some pictures of my stay at the ranch...enjoy and see you soon;-)

*Siempre con una sonrisa feliz*
Yes, this is concidered working ;-)
Geneva and Anthony in the corn trailer.
José the Gaucho working on a fresh cow skin

Gaizgani and Richiard partying in the club "Suett"

Us Gaucho girls on the way to the party!

Geneva giving a fongus wash to Louisdor- Of course, music is a necessity My Sweetheart Esther an me- Con una sonrisa grande ;-)

Gauhic Gregorio at work- What a working environment, he?
Louis and Linda enjoying dinner together ;-)

Another working day is almost over- last treatment with the sunset in our backs

I have never seen a "normal" sunset here- they are always breathtaking!

In the back of th pickup on the way to town- Esther, Renate, Geneva and Nabil

Believe it or not, I assisted with a cow being skinned. To be honest, it wasnt as gross as I thought it would be!

These are my bracelets I collected during my travels- They all have a little story to tell...

Anthony enjoying his last REAL Argentininen steak- Enjoy Buddy!

Big kisses from Gaizgani and Esther- I love you too, chicas!
Isnt that an amazing sunrise???

Morning ride with the Gauchos- off to herd some cattle...I love it!

El Altillo, I will miss you!!!