Monday, April 30, 2007

El Altillo-

Bareback riding... out in the fields, listening to my music and enjoying the sunny beautiful day!

This was on a day out to the National Park Pelligrini. Tranquility and a lot of wild life!

What a wonderful day!

These are the other volunteers:
Esther(front left),Katie next to me and Anthony! What a team;-)

Out with the Gaucho Gregorio. Believe me...going out with the Gauchos is just like in the movies!
I love it!
Rounding up the cattle and bringing them up to the ranch... a life time experience!

Gracias para este experiencia de mi vida!!!

Out in town having a meal with every one...and suddenly we were surrounded by all these chicos! This one is my little cuty ;-)
Out riding with Esther and Anthony. And these sunsets we have every single evening. I am still astonished my the beauty!!!
Out partying in town. My roomy Esther and Anthony the English man ;-)

Saturday, April 07, 2007

El Altillo Ranch- Argentina

Hello everyone,
finally I found some time to update my blog. As some of you may know...At the moment I am volunteering on a argentinien Ranch El Altillo. It is in the North Est of Argentina close to Corrientes. The Ranch is in the middle of nowhere and to get closer to civilisation we have to take a taxi for 20 Minutes in to the small town Mercedes.
So far I am really enjoying the work here. Although can be really tough at some times...cause you are walking around all day, busy trying to get everything done on time.
But the people here are just so nice and fun to work with which makes it easier to keep on going!
Here are some pictures from our trip out into the fields. Since it was easter we didnt have to work in the evening and all of us went out for a ride. WOW...what a wonderful day!

Dont I look like an authentic cowgirl??? *;-)*
Galoping towards the horse really wants to go!!!

Gaizkani and Luis- Brasilian trainer and the woman who knows it all!
I will miss you!!!

The morning feeding of the mares- every morning a nice start into the day. Hearing the horses enjoying thier food and an amazing view on the sunrise!

The Easter ride with all the whole crew! I love it!

Treating the fole against fever- may sound easy...

But no!Sometimes they can be a pain in the a**

Thats all for now...I hope you got an impression on what I am doing.

Its hard work but I love it!

Hasta luego, muchachos!!