Monday, January 22, 2007

Trappa Trappa- Back to Basic

Last week I went to Los Angeles with a friend Nina. There we first stayed at a beautiful hostel in the middle of nowhere. The owners are German and moved to Chile 17 years ago. They sold all their belongings and left to live a life in peace and quiet. What they made out of this place is just amazing. Its hard to find, but once you found your way through the tiny little path ways hidden by huge trees and plants, you get to the Oasis. The atmosphere is layed back, and within seconds you feel like home and can enjoy the tranquility by the river.
Talking to the couple, we found out that an 5 hour bus ride would take us to a "village" called Trappa Trappa. This village consists of only a few houses spread out over kilometers of land. The people living there are still indigenous and speak their own language. The couple promised us a dventurous bus ride and a peaceful stayin the mountains. And so we went...
Enjoy the pics

Waiting at the bus terminal, sitting in a corner we quickly were sourrounded by all kinds of fruit boxes, huge water melons, vegetables and children running around.
I think the people were kind of confused seeing two blond tourists waiting for a bus to Trappa Trappa. Later we found out that we were two of 10 tourists who ever went there;-)

This was the view from our tent. Nothing but pure natur!!!

This is the cutest little indian boy I have ever seen. I cant remember the name but it meant "White bird". He was so cheerful playing in the river with his friend, shooting the ducks with a self made bow and exploring the wild life...what a childhood!!!

More will follow later;-)

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Feliz Cumpleaños
an meine super duper mega geile globetrotter Mami!!!
50. Jahre

Danke fuer deine unglaubliche Unterstuetzung !!!
Dann noch ganz Liebe Gruesse an mein Allergroesstes Schwesterherz.
Danke fuer alles!
Te quiero!!!

This was in Bella Vista- a barrio in Santiago famous for its nice bars and clubs...

Linda and me enjoying a good tequilla sunrise

These are two mexican friends from Linda.
Sam on the left and Aturo on the right.
Always there for a good party time ;-)
These are the mexican with Rico. A German friend I met in Buenos Aires. By coincidence we met on the streets in Santiago.
I think this is a good illustration of the average size of Mexicans comparing to Germans;-)
Aren´t they cute...

La cumbre del Rock chileno...

This was at the rock concert in Santiago. The Stadium national was awsome...5hours chillin and dancing, singing along *if the lyrics werent too difficult;-)*

But one thing I must say...the audience at German rock concerts are way more enthusiastic!!!

At first it was a little hot, but with enough water it didnt hold us from rockin´

In the evening it cooled down and the stadium just looked soo beautiful...with all the lights and everybody singing with the corus...WOW

And of course Linda and me were perfectly fine ;-)

But talking about the audience...this would not be possible at a German rock concert... a dog without an owner in the middle of the crowd having a sleep...

But everybody took care that he would not be disturbed...

Friday, January 05, 2007

Santiago de Chile

Hey eveyone,

just to upgrade my blog...on the 2.1.2007 I left Mendoza, drove over the Anden and arrived in the beautiful city Santiago de Chile-My friend Linda that I met in Cordoba, is doing an internship here and now I am visiting her for a week.

The town is really has around 7Million inhabitants but in comparission to Buenos Aires it is way calmer and not as hectic. And one really important factor is that the climate here is not as humid and in the evenings it really cools down which enables you a good night sleep;-)
Here are the first pics...but I am sure there will follow some more.
Tonight I am going out to a club called "Blondie". Its an alternative club with hopefully really good music. Saturday we are going to meet some mexican friends who lived in Valparaiso for half a year to study. But this Tuesday they are flying home...therefore they will have a great farewell party at a chilenian rock concert. "La cumbre del rock chileno"... This is going to be sooo god damn huge...Its in a stadium and lasts for 7 hours. Although I dont know the bands..i am sure it will be awsome...
So, lets rock, baby!!!